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Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

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Decision Virginia has moved

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Decision Virginia has moved. Check us out now at DecisionVirginia.com.

Also if you link to DV please switch your link to: http://nbc12.typepad.com/decisionvirginia/

Our new RSS feed can be found at: http://blogs.nbc12.com/decisionvirginia/atom.xml

This site will remain live, serving as an archive of our coverage from August 2008- July 2012.

Written by Ryan Nobles

August 7, 2012 at 6:19 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Decision Virginia is moving..

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After close to four years and only one or two design changes, Decision Virginia is moving to a new cyber home. Starting Wednesday August 1st, this wordpress site will only serve as an archive of our old posts and we will begin posting new political content to our brand new Decision Virginia site.

The new site is more closely integrated with the existing NBC12.com site and offers us some exciting options that we currently don’t have on this platform.  We have already started cross posting at the new site so you can check it out right now!

The new site is live at http://nbc12.typepad.com/decisionvirginia

Starting Wednesday the site will also be reached at http://nbc12.com/decisionvirginia & http://DecisionVirginia.com.

If you subscribe to the Decision Virginia RSS feed that can now be found at http://nbc12.typepad.com/decisionvirginia/atom.xml.

Finally, if you are looking for content from July 31, 2012 and later, this site will remain as is. We will still cross post our content on here through Tuesday night at midnight as we make the move.  

I sincerly appreciate your continued readership and am hopeful this transition will be a smooth one. 


Written by Ryan Nobles

July 30, 2012 at 6:46 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Sabato speaks about UVA controversy

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It seems that no one has been as disappointed with the leadership controversy at UVA than one of the most high-profile members of the University’s faculty, political science professor Larry Sabato.

Sabato, one of the most quoted political analysts in America has more than 39 thousand followers on twitter and has made his opinion on the case very clear.

Among other things he called on Governor Bob McDonnell to get involved. Something the Governor did today when he sent the Board of Visitors a letter warning them that unless they come to some sort of resolution by Tuesday, he will ask for their resignations.

Kelly Avellino covered that portion of the story for NBC12 on Friday.

I spoke to Sabato at length about the UVA controversy, a situation that he has not given any TV interviews about. Our interview came before McDonnell issued his letter to the Board, but Sabato’s comments are still relevant considering the situation is still very much unresolved.

You can see his full comments below:


Written by Ryan Nobles

June 22, 2012 at 11:05 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Buying A Voice: League of Conservation Voters

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Many groups that buy television advertising during campaign season are organizations dedicated to one specific cause.

The League of Conservation Voters generally supports democratic candidates, but their priority is protecting the environment. They have already bought a $1 million ad buy across 3 states including Virginia.

In 2012 they have made defending Barack Obama and attacking Senate candidate George Allen their priority.

Here is the ad that was shown in Richmond:

That first TV ad of the 2012 season attacks an “unnamed” politician, that unnamed politician represents those who vote against measures they claim won’t protect clean air.

They get a bit more specific in a web ad that “congratulates” George Allen on being named to their “dirty dozen”.

So who are the league of conservation voters, and where do they get millions of dollars to invest in TV advertising?

Most of their donors contribute somewhere between $200 and $5 thousand dollars, and the vast majority of their money has come from sources outside of Virginia.

Their PAC most disclose their donors, and who show where that money goes. So far in 2012 they have filed 13 different independent expenditures for Virginia senate candidate “Timothy Michael Kaine”, a total of just under $20 thousand to this point.

They also have established a SuperPAC for 2012 which allows them to bring in big donations without much accountability. But their real power could come from a partnership with the Obama endorsed SuperPAC “Priorties USA” which will help fund pro-Obama ads across the country.

While the organization is not afraid to cross party lines for a candidate that shares their views, its rare. In 2010 less than 2% of their money went to republicans. In 2012, so far every single dollar spent has been in support of democrats.

Here is where we got our information:

*The League of Conservation voters has a list of all their endorsed candidates and television ads on their web site

*The list of donors to the LCV can be found on the Federal Election Commissions web site.

*The LCV’s expenditures, specifically those to Tim Kaine, can be found here.

*The Center For Responsive Politics breaks down who the LCV supports on opensecrets.org.

Written by Ryan Nobles

May 9, 2012 at 6:07 pm

McDonnell to greet Obama at airport; attend Prince George event

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In a show of bipartisanship, this Friday, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell will greet President Barack Obama at Richmond International Airport and then attend the president’s event in Prince George County.

Obama is scheduled to speak about the economy at the growing Rolls-Royce plant in Prince George. Earlier this week, McDonnell announced that the company was planning a major expansion. Obama is expected to talk about that expansion during his remarks.

A sitting governor welcoming the president to his state is hardly breaking news, but in this highly contested election season it is no longer a given. Obama had made many visits to Virginia, many of them short jaunts across the Potomac. McDonnell has attended very few of those events, but he did attend an event in Norfolk during the president’s summer bus tour of North Carolina and Virginia. He also met the president on the tarmac in Hampton in the spring of 2010 before Obama’s commencement address at Hampton University. The governor rode in the motorcade with Obama and attended his speech.

All of McDonnell’s meetings with the president have been largely uneventful. This despite the republican governor being a big critic of Obama’s policies, a top surrogate for his potential opponent Mitt Romney and perhaps a candidate for Vice President.

Obama has dealt with at least one dust up on an airplane tarmac. Earlier this year, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer challenged the president over his immigration policy during their brief meeting after he de-planed. The exchange left behind a lingering image of Brewer with her finger pointed in Obama’s face.

Don’t expect anything that exciting this time around. McDonnell and Obama are both hoping to take part of the credit for Rolls-Royce expansion. Senate candidate Tim Kaine, a former governor and an ally of the president applauded both sides for their bi-partisan cooperation to make the deal happen.

We will have complete coverage of the president’s visit on NBC12, including live reports from the airport and Prince George.

ELECTION DAY: The view from the ground

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Good Morning! It is election day. Perhaps the least dramatic of the four year election cycle, but there are still some important story lines.

Here is what we are following:

Control of the Virginia Senate: This is the story line that has the potential to have the biggest long term impact. A GOP flip in control gives Gov. Bob McDonnell‘s party control of all three layers of Virginia’s government. It will make his agenda much easier to push through, while at the same time giving him complete ownership of the Commonwealth’s success/failure for the remainder of his term.

If the flip happens it will also provide more evidence of McDonnell’s popularity in Virginia. He has campaigned heavily with republicans in tight races. Gaining the four seats necessary could send a powerful message to GOP Presidential candidates looking for a running mate that could help deliver a key swing state.

Henrico Commonwealth’s Attorney: This race took a sharp turn when republicans tried unsuccessfully to oust their chosen candidate Matt Geary. He wouldn’t go and that forced Del. Bill Janis to run as an independent and allowed democrats to field a strong candidate in Shannon Taylor. This race has had a little bit of everything and should lead to an interesting finish.

Voter turnout: With no statewide or federal candidates on the ballot, turnout is expected to be dismal. It could be 10% or less in some places. It will be especially slow in the Richmond metro, where there is not one truly competitive race in the General Assembly. In fact both parties rolled out their heavy hitters for statewide get out the vote efforts over the weekend, and they both ignored Richmond.

TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE: As always, I’m looking for the view from the ground. Tweet and Facebook me what you are seeing and I will post the dispatches below (pics too!). Then tune in tonight for the latest results on NBC12. Happy Election Day!!

From the ground…

Carmen Crater:  I voted in Cumberland about 10:30 this morning…was quite busy for that time of day…took 45 minutesof standing in line to vote, but well worth it……………anyone who doesn’t vote has absolutely no right to give their opinions or COMPLAINTS…be part of the system and maybe…just maybe we can make things better…

Vic Tench I just voted in PG not many people there just a few people in front and behind me we were all in line no more then 3 min.

Pat Coffey voted at Beaverdam Elementary – saw John Cox there about 9:30 this morning.

Brandon Satterwhite Voted here in Henrico, I was the only one there.

Erin Sutton I voted at pole green elementary in Hanover co. Sean Davis was shaking hands. Sadly there where not too many voters… I’m hoping I just came at a down time.

Janet Murphey I am in Charles City County — voted a little while ago..small county didn’t have to wait too long (1 person in front of me)

Mark Hopkins I voted. A good number of people at the Chesterfield polls.

Carole Whitley Wagner : Just before 10 this morning, my son & I were #287 & 288 at the Montpelier Center.

Andrea Stephenson Epps: Was # 488 at Swift Creek in Chesterfield 10 min. ago. Higher than I expected before the rush hour

Patty Hughes I voted at 1:30ish PM. I was number 376. I know there are more people out there in the Matoaca District. Remember voting gives you complaining rights, if you don’t try to make a change you can’t complain if there is none.

Lynn Davis Cranmer  Voted in rural King William County about 10:30 this morning. One person ahead of me, Two or three behind me. (Most people round these parts – vote before and after work, I think.)

Betty Paschall Tate  No one there but me and the poll workers this morning at Hening Elem. at 7:45am. Please everyone get out and vote …it is a privilege!!!!!

Classic: Governor McDonnell happens to run into former Governor Doug Wilder at their Richmond polling location.

@TheBenBrown: I voted absentee. Today is just another day…

From my polling place in Chesterfield, pretty slow I was voter 220


Robin Belcher Liesfeld Yes – pretty steady at the Centerville precinct in Goochland. I see that’s also been busy in Hadensville. I predict a pretty good turnout county-wide. I believe there may be some surprises, because many Goochland citizens want change!

Susan Coral Moss It was a bit quiet in Chester (Bermuda District-Wells). I was the 271th voter at 10:30. There wasn’t any problems. I was expecting more fireworks especially with the heated Supervisor race down here in Chester.

Margie Rutherford Gausby I voted in Ashland. They moved the polling place. It was difficult to find the correct room at the school to vote, I think it will impact turnout there. I was ready to give up and I ways vote.

Mary Eldredge Only had to wait about 30 seconds to vote this morning at Beaufont Towers (Precinct 412). There were only three voters when I was there about 9:15.

Ron Gallier i left my house at 10 am to vote and back home at 10:25 am i voted at donahoe elem school

@rosscatrow: I saw a big empty gymnasium.

@DaeHarris: I saw basketball hoops, a few volunteers and 1 other woman voting

@KDavisDesign: lots of signs, friendly people willing to help, and lots of people outside the library shoving information in your face.

@marioc: pretty quiet over at Clover Hill Elementary. At 6:30am I was No. 42.

Connie Warriner Mason I voted in PG. Steady flow. Nothing to exciting…did have a paper jam but was fixed quickly with no issues.pretty quiet over at Clover Hill Elementary. At 6:30am I was No. 42.

Al Neill In Hadensville (District 1 in Goochland) they were ahead of the count for the same time last election day. There had already been over 100 voters by 7AM. generally I think about 700 vote.

Tommi Brandt Just got back from voting in Powhatan. Not very busy right now.

@JaysonRachael Lots of fog when we voted @ 6am!

Scott votes down “In God We Trust”

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Never one to follow the crowd, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Newport News) was one of only 9 Members of Congress to vote against a resolution to reaffirm “In God We Trust’ as the official motto of the United States of America.

Rep. Scott’s aide David Dailey explains the purpose of the measure:

H.Con.Res. 13 is only a non-binding resolution resolving that Congress “reaffirms” the motto and encourages the public display of the motto. The resolution does not have the force of law and would not be presented to the President for his signature if passed by the Senate. Even without this resolution, the 1956 statute (Pub. L. No. 84-851) establishing the motto would still remain the law of the land.

It was sponsored by Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Chester).

Scott said the resolution is inconsistent with the pledge he took when he entered congress to “uphold the Constitution.”

Scott’s full statement is blow:

Scott Statement on Congress’ Vote Reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the official motto of the United States

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement today on Congress’ vote on H. Con. Res. 13, a resolution reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the official motto of the United States and supporting and encouraging the public display of the national motto in all public buildings, public schools, and other government institutions:”Today we face the highest deficit in U.S. history; an unemployment rate of 9.1% and a growing number of people losing access to unemployment insurance each day; schools that lack the resources to give our students a proper education; 17.2 million households that are food insecure; and children who by the very circumstances of their birth are injected onto a Cradle to Prison Pipeline. Instead of facing these challenges and creating jobs to help American people make sure they have a roof over their head and food on their table, we are debating whether or not to affirm and proliferate a motto that was adopted in 1956 and is under no threat of attack. In addition to diverting attention away from substantive issues, the resolution is unconstitutional.”When we were sworn in as Members of Congress, we took an oath to uphold the Constitution. This resolution is inconsistent with that oath and therefore I voted ‘no’ on the resolution.”

In addition, Congressman Scott’s statement from the Judiciary Committee markup on the resolution earlier this year contains a legal analysis and is below.

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Written by Ryan Nobles

November 1, 2011 at 10:52 pm

Obama to speak about first responders in Chesterfield

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One look at the invited guests for this afternoon’s event in Chesterfield and you know what President Barack Obama will be talking about.

In a very small venue, the president is expected to lay out how his American Jobs Act will benefit local police, fire and rescue crews.

The president spoke this morning at a military base in Hampton. He was joined at that event by Governor Bob McDonnell. McDonnell, his wife and President and Mrs. Obama had a private, 10 minute meeting at that event.

Here is the dispatch from that meeting according to the governor’s office:

The Governor and Va First Lady Maureen McDonnell met privately with the President and First Lady Michelle Obama for approx 10 minutes.

It was a friendly visit.

The Governor and Mrs McDonnell welcomed them to Virginia and the Governor thanked the President for making the hiring of veterans a priority. The Governor let the President know that there is much common ground to be had on this important issue and he looks forward to hearing the President’s proposals on the matter. Ensuring that our veterans who have selflessly served our nation can find the good paying jobs they deserve is a top priority of the McDonnell Administration.

The Governor again made the case for federal assistance for Louisa County in the wake of the August earthquake and the two discussed Virginia’s coming appeal of FEMA’s initial rejection of that assistance request.

The Governor also spoke to the President about the strong support in this community and across the Commonwealth for making Fort Monroe a National Park, and his strong personal support of such a designation.

The president is expected here in Chesterfield at around 2:40. We will carry the event in its entirety on NBC12-TV and NBC12.com.

Big night for Decision Virginia!

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Written by Ryan Nobles

July 29, 2011 at 12:24 am

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Sunshine Week on NBC12

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This week was Sunshine Week across the country, an effort to bring a attention to transparency and openness of government.  We took advantage of the opportunity to introduce you to two of my favorite organizations doing incredible work shining a light on government business.

On Thursday we talked to Megan Rhyne. She is the Executive Director of the Virginia Coalition for Open Government. They lobby the state legislature to prevent limits on public access to government work. They also help average citizens obtain information by helping them with the FOIA process (Freedom of Information Act)

We talked about all of the good things VACOG is working on during a live interview on NBC12 First at 4:

Then on Friday we welcomed David Poole, the Executive Director of the ever expanding Virginia Public Access Project.  VPAP is an incredible tool to track down everything you could ever want to know about about campaign finance. A resource that is very important in a state like Virginia that has no campaign donation limit.

VPAP recently expanded and is now covering donations to County Supervisors in Henrico and Chesterfield. An incredibly important addition to a group of leaders that don’t often get much attention.

My conversation with David is below:

VPAP is also doing some incredible work tracking the progress of redistricting in the Commonwealth.

Written by Ryan Nobles

March 18, 2011 at 10:09 pm

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