DV Archive

Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

Kaine Attacks Palin Choice

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 Governor Tim Kaine, who has been relatively quiet in the presidential race, set off a verbal bomb today, that has already moved in some national outlets. He said that John McCain “phoned in” his VP choice of Sarah Palin. He made the remarks on his weekly WTOP radio show.

Here is what he said via the AP:

(Kaine) said McCain met Palin once in a large crowd, interviewed her by phone, then offered her the vice presidential slot on the Republican ticket.

He said McCain knew so little about her that he had to crib her biography off her resume when he introduced her.

In Kaine’s words, “Most people would take hiring someone for a summer job more seriously.”

Tough words for a guy, who was passed over for the same job on the democratic side and certainly seems to be making the argument that Barack Obama knew him far better than McCain knew Palin.. and he still didn’t get picked.

Written by Ryan Nobles

September 30, 2008 at 6:43 pm

2 Responses

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  1. […] Tough words for a guy, who was passed over for the same job on the democratic side and certainly seems to be making the argument that Barack Obama knew him far better than McCain knew Palin .. and he still didn’t get picked.[Continue Reading] […]

    Kaine Attacks Palin Choice

    September 30, 2008 at 7:17 pm

  2. Kind of missing the point, aren’t you? All the evidence suggests that Senator McCain’s approach to this decision was political, rather than based on the criterion of readiness to lead the country if needed.

    It’s unclear what you’re trying to say here. What does the end outcome of not being chosen have to do with Gov. Kaine’s knowledge of the criteria that were used?

    The important thing is what this shows about the priorities of the two presidential candidates – and you seem oddly uninterested in that.

    David Weintraub

    September 30, 2008 at 10:06 pm

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