DV Archive

Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

McDonnell: “I am focusing on the economic issues”

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mcdonnell coming busRepublican candidate for governor of Virginia,  Bob McDonnell wants to make it clear.

He is not the one focusing on abortion.

While his opponent Senator Creigh Deeds continues to describe McDonnell as far outside the mainstream, McDonnell attempts to steer the topic away from social issues and back on to the economy and jobs.

“If Senator Deeds wants to talk about these other things, he’ll have to make that decision,” McDonnell said in Chesterfield on Sunday. “I’m focusing on the economic issues during the campaign.”

But even though he works hard to change the topic when abortion becomes part of the discussion, the republican still attempts to make the point that Creigh Deeds is actually the one out of the mainstream. “The things that I have worked during my time in the general assembly have been common sense measures that have been broadly embraced by republicans and democrats,” said McDonnell, invoking partial birth abortion and parental consent. “These are things that Senator Deeds has long opposed. I mean he is way outside of the mainstream, unfortunately on this issue.”

Deeds supporters, and his campaign staff claim that McDonnell is avoiding the topic of abortion, not because it isn’t important to him, but because he is working to hide his record. They claim that moderate voters need to be worried about a candidate that isn’t straight forward about his position on the issue. McDonnell disagrees, saying that his stance on abortion is well known, and that it is something rarely brought up on the campaign trail.

“You know until Senator Deeds started talking about it, I really hadn’t heard from anybody.”

During a conference call this week, Team Deeds seemed to indicate that their abortion assault is only beginning. On Sunday in Chesterfield, Bob McDonnell seemed to welcome the challenge.  “While Senator Deeds continues to engage in the politics of division and the politics of the past, I am going to focus on the things that are going to make Virginia an even better state than it is today.”

Extended clips from our discussion with Bob McDonnell can be found after the jump..

**UPDATE** The Democratic Party of Virginia has taken advantage of our interview with Bob McDonnell to create a web video countering McDonnell’s claims. Their response can be found after the jump.


McDonnell responds to attack on abortion

McDonnell on what voters are concerned with


Bob claims he hasn’t heard from anyone on the issue of choice, but we’ve certainly heard enough from Bob

RICHMOND- Yesterday, Bob McDonnell stated that he “hasn’t really heard from anybody” on the issue of abortion (Richmond’s NBC 12, 8/16/09).
Perhaps Bob forgets all of the times he brought the issue up? If fact, its hard to believe Bob won’t make it a priority.
From interviews with reporters, to his address to the National Right to Life Committee, to his remarks at his own campaign kick-off, McDonnell has consistently brought up and even touted his record of support of anti-choice legislation.

The Democratic Party of Virginia released a video today to help Bob remember:

Written by Ryan Nobles

August 16, 2009 at 9:35 pm

4 Responses

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  1. Mr. McDonnell is a big business pawn. You can see from his work on ensuring that the unemployed did not recieve further benefits when they lost their jobs, exactly where is loyalty resides. He is not an advoctae for the average job holder in Virginia. He is also against A Women’s right to choose, even in cases of rape or incest, which is just absolutely wrong. A poor advocate for the working man and the darling of BIG Business.

    Michael Damico

    August 17, 2009 at 11:41 pm

  2. […] McDonnell has repeatedly said that while he is proud of his pro-life record, his main concern as governor will be new jobs and […]

  3. Epic Fail libs. First off: he stated “he hasn’t heard from anybody about the importance of abortion” In the videos he is stating where he stands on the issue. NO ONE ASKED HIM. Are you expecting him to just stand up and say nothing on stage?

    Secondly: Where is Creigh Deeds on ANYTHING? You know a campaign is desperate when they launch attack ads. McCain did it against Obama when he realized he had no chance and Deeds is no different. America is fed up with the b.s. “CHANGE” politics. You lost the first time Creigh, you apparently have nothing this time either.

    Charles Gibbs

    August 23, 2009 at 12:14 am

  4. […] among independents, where he leads 60%-29%. McDonnell has maintained that lead, in part, by avoiding conversations about social issues like abortion, the kinds of issues that might inspire his base but turn off moderate voters. Now that his thesis […]

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