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Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

Archive for December 3rd, 2010

McDonnell to announce significant investment in higher education

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**UPDATE: McDonnell proposed $50 million in new funding for higher-ed. Here is Yvette Yeon‘s story from NBC12.

Friday morning, Governor Bob McDonnell will appear before his Commission on Higher Education Reform, Innovation and Investment.

At that meeting, McDonnell is expected to announce his plans to propose a “down payment” to fund the commission’s long term goals.

Here is my preview from NBC12 News at 11:

NBC12 will have full coverage of the Governor’s announcement on Friday.

You can read more about the work of the higher education commission on the Governor’s web site:


Written by Ryan Nobles

December 3, 2010 at 12:18 am

Posted in McDonnell Administration

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