DV Archive

Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

Archive for December 6th, 2011

Allen-Kaine round 1: debate preview

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Virginia political heavyweights Tim Kaine and George Allen face off Wednesday in their first debate in what is expected to be one of the most watched political races in the country. Both the Democratic and Republican front runners face primary challengers, but this debate, part of Associated Press Day at the Virginia Capitol, will only feature Kaine and Allen.

I am fortunate to serve as one of the panelist for the debate, along with my esteemed colleagues, Michael Sluss from the Roanoke Times and Bob Lewis from the AP. The debate will be moderated by Bob Gibson the Director of Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership.

While I get to ask the questions, I always want to spread the wealth. Tell me what you think we should focus on in this highly anticipated forum. Share your ideas for questions in the comments section, on my Facebook page or shoot me a tweet.

Also tonight on NBC12 we will hold a special Call12 segment where you can call our volunteers and submit your ideas for topics that should be brought up during the debate. The number to call is 804-345-1212, the lines open during NBC12 News at 5.

Written by Ryan Nobles

December 6, 2011 at 11:46 am