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GOP targets Virginia with anti-ObamaCare robo call

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They don’t have a candidate yet, but that is not stopping the Republican National Committee from going to work attacking President Barack Obama.

The RNC has launched a robo call effort tied into the two-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act being signed into law. The calls will delivered to voters 65 and older who have been identified as independents. The call hammers the president’s health care reform effort and threatens serious ramifications as the law continues to be implemented.

“Instead of the relief he promised, health care premiums are rising, budget deficits skyrocket, and 6 million Seniors will lose their prescription drug benefits,” says a female narrator in a 33 second recorded call. The narrator identifies herself as “Rebecca from the RNC”.

The call than encourages the listener to visit the RNC’s web site or call a phone number to learn more about how they can Help them “defeat” Obama in November.

These robo calls are just one front in a coordinated effort to make health care reform a central issue in the 2012 campaign. Republicans on all levels found ways to mark the anniversary of what they call “ObamaCare”. The picture above shows a banner hung today outside RNC headquarters in Washington, D.C. (courtesy Weekly Standard)

The White House did not mark the event themselves, but democrats did signal that they will not run away from their association to health care reform. The official Barack Obama twitter page retweeted and fired off messages of their own under the hash tag banner “#ilikeobamacare”. The move is a significant development because “ObamaCare” is a generally used as a negative name for health care reform designed to attach the president to its passage.

During his press briefing today White House Press Secretary Jay Carney argued that more and more people are benefiting from health care reform. He said the GOP is proposing to halt that progress. “They wanna go back to a system where insurance companies have all the rules on their side,” he said.

Expect this to just be the beginning of the battle over health care reform, with Virginia front and center. The RNC is blasting this call out to 10 states, all of them swing states, all of them expected to play a key role in deciding who the next president will be.

We will play a portion of the call tonight on NBC12 News at 11.

The full call and transcript can be found below:


In 2008 Barack Obama campaigned on the promise of providing relief to American families and creating jobs. Instead of the relief he promised, health care premiums are rising, budget deficits skyrocket, and 6 million Seniors will lose their prescription drug benefits. America can’t afford 4 more years of Barack Obama. Help us defeat Obama in November. Visit www.gop.com

Written by Ryan Nobles

March 23, 2012 at 8:53 pm