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Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

Moran not backing down on attacks of McAuliffe fundraiser

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Terry McAuliffe‘s campaign probably hoped that the flap over a fundraiser organized by GOP consultant Ed Rogers was behind them. Brian Moran‘s campaign has decided that it is not. 

Today the Moran camp released a litany of statements from Democratic supporters hamming McAuliffe’s connection to Rogers and his decision to take part in the fundraiser. The Moran camp said the statement was released in response to the Washington Post article discussing the controversy. 

The Moran campaign described the event as an “anti-Obama” fundraiser and provided examples of Rogers being critical of the President.  The language may be the harshest words exchange between the two campaigns since the primary began. 

The full release is after the jump…

Statements on Anti-Obama Fundraiser

~ Leaders express concern about host Ed Rogers, Republican Lobbyist and Operative Responsible for Some of the Most Negative and Divisive Attacks on Obama ~

ALEXANDRIA – In response to last week’s Washington Post article regarding anti-Obama Republican Lobbyist Ed Rogers, who hosted a fundraiser to support Terry McAuliffe’s campaign for governor, several prominent Virginia supporters of President Obama released the following statements.

“There has always been a question about whether Terry McAuliffe would really stand behind President Barack Obama if he were elected Governor of Virginia. It’s one thing to say you will, but by having a fundraiser with Ed Rogers he’s proven that he won’t,” said former Virginia Beach City Councilwoman Louisa Strayhorn. Strayhorn was elected to be a national delegate to the historic 2008 Democratic National Convention pledged to Barack Obama.

She continued, “Ed Rogers and Rush Limbaugh led and defended the nastiest and most divisive attacks against Barack Obama, and if Terry McAuliffe stands with him, then Terry McAuliffe is standing against Barack Obama just as he did during the presidential primary.”

The Washington Post reported about fundraiser here

Ed Rogers attacks Barack Obama while debating Democratic strategist Joe Trippi. 

In a debate with The Nation’s Ari Melber, Republican Ed Rogers defends false and bigoted GOP attacks on Obama. 

“It is incredibly disappointing that Terry McAuliffe would raise money from people who led incredibly divisive attacks against President Obama during last year’s election,” Chesapeake City Councilman Bryan Collins said. “I know this will cause a great deal of skepticism about McAuliffe’s candidacy among the activists who worked so hard to elect the President.”

“Terry McAuliffe has been telling Virginia Democrats how much success he will bring with his fundraising prowess,” Norfolk Commissioner of Revenue Sharon McDonald said. “The Washington Post’s coverage of his fundraiser at the firm founded by Haley Barbour certainly begs the question: Why does he need to raise money from Ed Rogers, a Republican operative and Lee Atwater protégé, in the first place? Virginia Democrats find this offensive, and not the kind leadership we want in our next Governor.”

Written by Ryan Nobles

March 31, 2009 at 4:52 pm

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  1. […] camp is by no means innocent in this fight. They lobbed the first bomb when they publicly attacked McAuliffe’s connection to GOP lobbyist Ed Rogers. From there they […]

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