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Archive for April 11th, 2009

Congrats to Team Weekend!

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Ryan Nobles – bio | email

As many of you who read this blog know, my political reporting is only a very small part of my responsibilities for NBC12. In addition to being a general assignment reporter that sends me to stories of all different kinds (for instance tonight I will report on a robbery at truck stop in Colonial Heights), I also serve as the anchor of the weekend newscasts on NBC12.

People often asked me what it is like to have your weekends monopolized by work. I always answer the same thing: the only bad thing about working on the weekends is that its ON the weekend. Our crew is given the challenge each week of producing 1.5 hours of news with a limited amount of resources. Despite that challenge I am feel incredibly fortunate to work with a group of talented professionals who never use that as an excuse. They always find away to produce a top notch newscast that we can all be proud of.

It is rare that weekend crews are recognized for their efforts, but our crew (which we call Team Weekend) was given that chance last February when a small plane crashed into a home in Chesterfield. Tragically, two people in the plane were killed and the woman in the home was badly burned. (She has since recovered from her injuries.) On that day, Team Weekend flew into action, we produced special cut-ins with the latest information and had a complete report on the tragedy by 6pm.

This week we learned that our coverage of that event was recognized with a prestigious Edward R. Murrow award. The Murrow award is given by the Radio and Television News Directors Association.  We won the breaking news category for small market stations in Region 12. You can see the winning entry by click on this link.

This achievement would not have been possible without the incredible effort put, week(end) in and week(end) out by my awesome colleagues known as Team Weekend. They are talented photographers, editors, directors, camera operators, reporters, audio operators and most of all friends.

Thanks for the opportunity to digress a bit and congratulate them on a terrific achievement.

On another note…

It is with a bit of trepidation that I report that starting tomorrow, I will be on vacation for 7 days.  I have been very pleased to see that I am regularly drawing a steady stream of readers and in the blog world when you stop posting they tend to go away.  My plan is to not post at all over the next week, so I am hopeful you won’t forget about me. If something big happens I am sure I will find my way to a laptop (much to my wife’s dismay). I will still keep my twitter page active and I am sure that will also mean inane comments about getting sunburn or having too much to eat and drink.

See you in a week and thank you for your loyal readership!

Written by Ryan Nobles

April 11, 2009 at 1:37 am