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Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

Archive for April 3rd, 2009

McAuliffe the policy wonk, McAuliffe the attack dog

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macker-jobs-planTerry McAuliffe came to Richmond on Thursday to unveil the third chapter in his business plan. The plan is the key policy piece in his argument that he is the best candidate for Governor of Virginia. 

McAuliffe spoke to a small group of business leaders in Richmond and outlined his belief that economic security for the indvidual is as important a concept as the growth of industry and job creation. He broke down three important aspects of economic security: access to health care, affordable education and retirement security. It is the candidate’s belief that if individuals are more secure in each of their individual situations, the overall health of the commonwealth will improve. 

You can read his entire release and see video from his stop in Richmond after the jump…

While McAuliffe was touting his think policy wonk friendly business plan during the morning, he spent the afternoon attempting to rile up his base, with an offhanded joke used at a recent Bob McDonnell fundraiser. McAuliffe and his team attacked the GOP candidate for Governor for standing next to former Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee while he told a joke he has told many times before about keeping non-McDonnell voters from the polls. You can see what Huck said here

McAuliffe camp the idea of “voter supression” no laughing matter. He held a conference call where he asked McDonnell to condemn Huckabee’s comments. He also used the clip as a way to raise money. The campaign sent out an e-mail to supporters expressing their outrage and asking for cash to beat back McDonnell’s efforts.  

The McDonnell campaign decided against taking McAuliffe’s advice. A spokesman said the attack “demonstrates a complete lack of perspective and seriousness. ”  It is also worth pointing out that jokes like these are not uncommon on the campaign trail by Republicans and Democrats. In fact President Barack Obama himself made a similar joke on the campaign trail (h/t Shad Plank). 

I think what is more interesting is how McAuliffe can work two different angles at virtually the same time. It is an advantage that only a campaign with his resources can do. Not only does the Macker have the staff to compile a comprehensive document, thick with ideas on how to fix the economy, but at almost the exact same time they can research tid-bits on their opponent and release a layered attack that reaches out to the press and potential donors. It is something that at this point, he is the only candidate capable of doing. 

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Written by Ryan Nobles

April 3, 2009 at 2:37 pm

Cantor votes against budget

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Local Congressman Eric Cantor, to no one’s surprise voted against the budget proposal presented by his democratic counterparts in the house on Thursday night.  In addition, Cantor in his capacity as the house minority whip, corralled every single other member of the House Republican caucus to do the same. For good measure, 20 Democrats also decided the spending plan was not in the country’s best interest and voted it down as well.

Despite the universal opposition by Republicans and a significant number of Democrats, the measure still passed by a comfortable margin of 233-196.

But voting the budget down was not enough for Cantor and the Republican House leadership they also proposed a spending plan of their own. The plan which has lower taxes and less spending, was largely ignored by the Democrats and the media. In fact Cantor recently alluded to the fact that it is difficult for the minority members to get out their message because realistically their ideas have little chance of ever passing.

I spoke to the Congressman today to about why he believes the Obama budget spends and taxes too much.

See what he had to say about that and the fuss over his attendance at a Brittany Spears concert after the jump:

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Written by Ryan Nobles

April 3, 2009 at 1:49 am

Posted in Obama Administration

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