DV Archive

Decision Virginia Archive 8/08- 7/12

Archive for June 30th, 2010

Health care reform showdown comes to Richmond

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The eyes of American will be on Richmond Thursday as lawyers for the Federal Government make their case to a District Court judge that Virginia’s challenge to the Health Care Reform Act should be tossed out.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli filed the lawsuit not long after the historic bill was passed on the grounds that the feds cannot force Virginians to purchase health care. The suit is similar to a dozen or so other cases across the country. Virginia’s however, was one of the first to be filed and this will be the first arguments heard in a court of law.  Cuccinelli will not argue the case, but is expected to be in the courtroom. The arguments will be handled by Virginia Solicitor General, E. Duncan Getchell, Jr.

The presiding judge for the hearing is Henry E. Hudson.

The outcome of this hearing won’t make Cuccinelli’s crusade against health care reform, but it could easily break his case. If its tossed out before it really gets going, it could be form a ripple effect amongst all the similar cases being filed across the country.

I will be in the courtroom tomorrow for the hearing and will have reports tomorrow on NBC12-TV and extended coverage here on Decision Virginia.

Written by Ryan Nobles

June 30, 2010 at 9:38 pm